Hormones tenure all rules of the body. Knowledge of how hormones move gives practitioners an beta device towards achieving wellness in their patients. Those society confused with bio-identical hormones, namely, merged pharmacists, physicians, and caregiver practitioners, are at one time a great deal aware of the exigency of progestin beside regards to a woman's gynaecological upbeat.

However, location seems to be a famine of savvy for the duty lipo-lutin the stage in the specialism of men's health, as all right as how progestin can be utilized to ability weight adjust in men, women and family. Please be alive that nearby are finished 300 complex body part sites in the thing for progestogen. It is past the breathing space of this article to diagrammatic all the future benefits and appointments of this internal secretion. Consider what I treat present an prelude to the medical institution benefits of this hormone.

Let me get going by stating a glorious information - men and women have same hormones. Although this certainty seems obvious, it is normally not respected. Progesterone is routinely considered a "woman's" hormone, possibly side by side to the reality that its part in the priapic thing is ne'er mentioned. Interestingly, I reckon it the 2nd peak historic internal secretion in men after androgenic hormone.

One of the principal roles progesterone acting in males, as fit as females, is to adjust hypoglycemic agent amount produced. Insulin is perceptibly an valuable hormone, but overload quantities can be deeply inconvenient. It is the numeral one grounds of podginess in this country, it is perchance the amount one wreak of "essential" hypertension, it is the cipher one effect of variety II polygenic disease and it is likely obligated for most of the complications of polygenic disease with point to audacity and liquid body substance tube-shaped structure damage, it raises cholesterol levels and is the numeral one internal secretion that speeds up the ageing process. If you deem that progestin is the figure one endocrine that helps keep hypoglycemic agent levels low you can at once be aware of the enormous liberating issue this internal secretion has with point to treating weight problems, body fluid force per unit area problems, diabetes, overhead cholesterol, etc.

I do not categorize lipo-lutin alone to be the cure for all these complications. But in use in coincidence near different curative approaches it provides the facility to intensify anything posture is human being utilized. For example, progesterone by itself is fundamentally telling for preventing an over-production of internal secretion. People who foundation on progesterone gunk are deeply immediate to write down that they no longer get dozing in the day involving 3PM and 4PM, and they don't get snoozing spell driving or after uptake. These are the classic modern times that insulin levels fell. However, progesterone cannot fight near a diet that is advanced in carbohydrate cheerful - this picture produces an amount of insulin that overwhelms the qualifications of progesterone to take over it. Utilizing constant bio-identical hormones can actually be reasoned the adjacent rung farther than Atkins to keep weight reliability.

As men standpoint the age of 50, hormonal changes commence decorous more manifest. This is in the region of the event that men pause producing progesterone; accordingly, they launch sprouting weight nigh on the midriff because their hypoglycaemic agent levels are now complex. In concert near this descend in progesterone, their androgenic hormone levels proceed to dribble and their estrogen levels opening to emergence.

After the menopause, whether medical procedure or natural, women propagate to product oestrogen. However, men's horizontal of estradiol is readily difficult than women's after the age of 50. When superficial at estradiol, maintain in worry that it is a hormone that contributes to six different cancers in women - breast, cervical, vaginal, ovarian, uterine, and large intestine. It is the single particular exact for malignant neoplastic disease of the female internal reproductive organ (except for Tamoxifen). The endocrine and the womb embryologically are calculated from the said body part. Therefore, logically it would be that estrogen is the possible incentive of ductless gland metastatic tumor.

Progesterone vastly expected prevents all renowned malignant tumor lead to by estrogen. Since prostatic malignant neoplasm primarily occurs in men at a case that their progestin levels are low or non-existent and that their oestrogen levels are large would it not appear ratiocinative that openhanded men natural, bio-identical progestin elite group may perhaps hinder prostatic cancer?

A classical first of its kind of the value of progesterone in men may be prizewinning exemplified by one of my patients who bestowed himself to me by saying, "Doc, if you don't facilitate me, I'm active to be behind suicide". He was 57 eld old, conspicuously depressed, and too complained of grave hypoglycemia, asthma, and he had osteoporosis.

At the occurrence of his coming together he was fetching a aggregation of triiodothyronine (Cytomel) 25mcg, Armour endocrine and Actonel. Review of aforementioned collection indicated that he had been on a hotchpotch of regimens for reduction and respiratory disease as well as Paxil, Serzone, Effexar, Singular, and Flonase. He had been on a unendingly changing ductless gland plan for ended 20 age.

Prior lab studies showed a persistently low T4 and ordinarily elevated T3 levels. TSH levels were always circa the 0.01 list. This last mentioned certainty exemplifies a classical clanger finished by record doctors who judge endocrine studies. They characterize a low TSH as an communication of too noticeably thyroid one specified. They are mayhap unaware that location are various assorted types of gland disease. The most established is initial glandular disease where on earth the endocrine gland itself is not able to make satisfactory endocrine gland. The maximum prevailing basis of this is a corollary of Hashimoto's redness.

However, in that is also an entity called secondary adenosis. This occurs when the pituitary fails to give out adequate thyroidal invigorating internal secretion and grades in a hypofunctioning thyroid that is on a regular basis misinterpreted as woman hyperfunctioning.

In any event, the reams of old documentation he brought near him were virtually good-for-nothing. He told me that he had exhausted over and done with $200,000 in the two old age anterior to his sighted me; he had been all ended the land consulting next to the "top" doctors in the best esteemed medical centers. In mixing to their failing to digit out what was not right with him, they unheeded to agnise he had grown ADHD, fibromyalgia, and twitchy leg composite.

Initial lab studies showed:

Free T4 0.8 [0.8-1.8] NG/DL

Free T3 816 [230-420] PG/DL


The proximal inflict of all this man's teething troubles was a deficiency of progesterone. When I told him this he was, of course, sceptical. But I was his finishing resort hotel. I gave him a prescription for progestin balm 100 mg/ ¼ tsp, at a indefinite quantity of ¼ tsp TID applied to the radiocarpal joint/forearm realm. I also prescribed T3 S/R 7.5 mcg BID along with levoxyl 0.125 mg. Three life after protrusive on this regime he ran into my department and stated, "Doc, in my entire time I have ne'er material this good!"

Please note: The dosage of lipo-lutin used for this patient is greater than the usual medicine I would propose for men. This is the dosage explicitly utilized for those next to ADHD and is persistent until symptoms of symptom are gone. At that prickle I belittle the medicinal drug to 100mg to 200mg/ day.

Over the years I've had the chance to have utilised progestin in hundreds of men. I am highly noticeably alive of what this endocrine is confident of achieving. Therefore, I was not dumbfounded by the event that it had on his demanding uncomplaining. Much of his depreciation was connected to the certainty that he was internalizing choler. He was a variety A personality, workaholic, successful, and had a momentary bond. In opposite words, he create a lot of neurotransmitter. He was a classical fully fledged ADHD. On this foundation alone I knew that progestin would sustain him. In addition, lipo-lutin affects many of the neurotransmitters in the brain, also small indefinite amount to amend dissatisfaction.

Progesterone helps to ban symptom by preventing a outgrowth in hypoglycaemic agent. It has a efficacious effect on respiratory illness − incompletely because it breaks trailing into adrenal cortical steroid and too because it blocks estradiol, a famous make happen of respiratory disorder. His osteoporosis was likewise supreme credible cognate to a need of progesterone; it is a internal secretion that some prevents osteoporosis as well as treats it.

Delineating all the benefits of progestogen for men is forgotten the scope of this nonfiction. Suffice it to say a principal benefit is affiliated its aptitude to maintain endocrine levels trailing. This helps to forbid weight gain, less bodily fluid force and preclude polygenic disease. This drift to lower hormone leads to the remotion or helps to improve a number of provisos fabric to be incurable by the learned profession community. This includes disorders such as as ADHD (attention insufficiency disorder upset), agitated leg syndrome, fibromyalgia, and brand II polygenic disease. Of range these types of benefits associate to women as fine as men.

In summary, this piece provides a slim summary of the soon-to-be of bio-identical progesterone for men, as fit as the importance of lipo-lutin in portion some men and women to reliability their weight. Please details that the benefits mentioned are supported on exercise of progestogen in a transdermal add up to thereby allowing for its bodily function by lipo-lutin structure sites.

You will discern at the end of this nonfiction in that will be no references made to different articles in other than journals or publications. The intention is that what I am lettering is based on my own of one's own medical institution observations. There is every intuition and philosophy involved, but chiefly I believe on feedback I get from patients a bit than relying on the problematic aggregation of "double-blind studies".

©2006. Dr. Michael E. Platt/All Rights Reserved. This piece is copyrighted, but you have concurrence to part it through with any medium as lasting as the strait-laced document and gratitude column is integrated.

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